Step 1-8 : Software Install
The following instructions are for the installation of the wifi only version of the software, they are really useful to follow to test your electronics are working aswell - if you have decided to go down the wifi only route then I would suggest following these, however if your doing a fully intergrated wired version ( which we recommend ) you can skip these and move onto the building sections specific to your chosen design.
However if you just wanted to see yourself on the online tracking pages to see how it all works then carry on with this page , read the site throughly from start to finish to give yourself a good idea on the project before commencing anybuilds.
Step 6A : LK8000 on Kobo Hopefully you should have
connected your Kobo to the AirWhere Access point. When the Kobo is
rebooted into LK the network should automatically come up.
Please make
sure you only have one Access Point in the Kobo settings, the AirWhere
access point.
After loading LK8000, navigate to Config, config, LK8000
Setup, Device Setup. Please select Device B in this page , Name
NmeaOut, Port TCP Server, Ext: Sound OFF, Port 4353. Pressing Terminal
and Device B, should show lots of lines of $GPPGA and $PLFAU. Returning
to the main screen LK will report it has found your unit and you can now
navigate to the screens ( middle bottom and middle left) |

If you have a standard GPS then just set the Name to Generic altho Bluefly will still work, your baud rate you will find in your GPS manual, if you dont know it then it will probably be 9600 as the picture but if this doesnt work try 38400 and 57600. Check the Terminal Page for your GPS lines coming in. The Ext.Sound will only be set if your running sounds on the bluefly or sounds via our arduino module, please ignore this setting if your just building an AirWhere unit and return to this later.
Step 6B : XCSoar on Kobo Hopefully you should have
connected your Kobo to the AirWhere Access point. Please make
sure you only have one Access Point in the Kobo settings, the AirWhere
access point. (/Network/WiFi)
Boot the Kobo into XCSoar, on the startup page please
select Network and then press Wifi On, (N.B. When switched on it displays 'WifiOff:'!!) then press close and run XCSoar.
the menu and then Config, Devices, your GPS should be on device A and
On Device B enter :- Port : TCP Port, TCP Port : 4353,
Driver : NMEA Output.
On device C , enter Port : UDP Port, TCP Port
10110, Driver Fl arm . Provided you have a GPS lock then when you press monitor on the Port C you should
see lots of lines of $GPPGA and $PLFAU, and the Port return FLARM;
At this stage your Kobo should be connected to the Node board, not your local WiFi network. On all Kobo setups, please ensure you only have one Wireless Connection Point setup within the Kobo/Network settings, This should be the AirWhere WiFi point. Deleting any old unwanted ones may help it avoid reconnecting to your home wifi accidentally. It is also worth switching off the Kobo Sync (Nickel/Settings/Syncing and Updates)
Please make sure that in Gauges / FLARM the FLARM radar is set to On , Pic
Step 6C : XCSoar / LK8000 on Android
( Please use this method for LK8000 on android at the moment - set it to xcsoar in the config ) - will release new info shortly.
Connect to your AirWhere
Access Point on your Android. Under Android it is necessary to use another
program to send AirWhere strings for the GPS. Please download Share GPS
from the Android Play Store, load this application and then create the
following connection:
NMEA, TCP port 4353. Then click on connections and
your new connection will be showing as IDLE. Click on it, it should say
listening and then turn to Connected. If it does not connect then check you are still connected to the AirWhere wireless link.
Now run XCSoar and load the menu
and then Config, Devices. Your GPS should be on device A and
functioning, on Device B enter Port : UDP Port, TCP Port 10110, Driver
Fl arm. When you monitor this Port you should see the $GPPGA and $PFLAU
Please make sure that in Gauges / FLARM the FLARM radar is set to On , Pic
Notes :
(i) If you're using a Dell Streak you need to be on Android
version 2.3 to use Share GPS, please update, let us know if you need any
help, this video shows how to update to 2.3 :- Install 2.3 on Dell streak
(ii)On some Android versions, typically the older ones like the Streak, the wifi connection isnt the most reliable, Android sometimes drops the connection and then will not bring it back up with out manually pressing the Wifi On button. We have found if you install this application then if the wifi is dropped this application will cycle the wifi for you. Wifi Reconnect
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