paragliding detection system
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paragliding detection system
paragliding detection system

Step 1-8 : Software Install

Step 3 : Flashing the board - AirWhere software is loaded as a binary file onto the board using a Flashing program. This program can be downloaded free . First create a directory on your hard drive and then download ESP 8266 Flasher and then the AirWhere binary into this folder, unzip the Esp Zip file there


Step 4 : Navigate to the newly created folder and run the ESP8266Flasher.exe file, select the com port you have found before in Step 2, click on config at the top, click the little gear icon next on the first line and select the AirWare.ino.bin file you have downloaded. Now return to the Operation tab and press flash .

After a couple of minutes the board is ready, unplug the board from the USB power supply and plug it back in again.

We have some small problems with this flashing tool, it usually works, but if it doesnt, try again a couple of times and try holding the flash button down while its flashing, just look on your phone on the wifi for the new Access Point the Nodecmu creates. Out of the packet it says AL_THINKER_ and then when you have flashed it properly it comes up AirWare-******.
Any problems please email

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paragliding detection system
paragliding detection system